Shielding, Activation and Criticality Calculations
Nuclear particles, radiation and their interactions with humans and materials: this is a fundamental domain of any nuclear installation. TBE has more than 20 years of experience in all type of nuclear physics calculations. We apply our academic knowledge on nuclear physics both for studies as directly for verifications on-the-field.
We perform both shielding calculations based on conservative engineering and analytical rules, as well as detailed shielding calculations with codes for complex interactions, complicated geometries and/or high attenuations. We master variance reduction techniques to reduce calculational time for high attenuation problems.
TBE believes in a strategic shielding design management that allows efficient interactions with other competence domains (e.g. building construction, ventilation, …). We develop rules of thumbs for a source term, e.g. for thicknesses of shielding walls, for openings in shielding walls such as doors, chicanes, penetrations for cabling, … TBE prefers to work hand-in-hand with the architect-engineer for new installations in order to ensure an safe and efficient design. ALARA (As Low As Reasonable Achievable) is our keyword.
Where needed, TBE relies on several years of experience using existing particle and radiation transport codes (MCNP, SERPENT, Microshield, …). We also develop post-processing tools, based on the needs of our clients.
Activation and Residual Dose
TBE continuously develops its own modular software tool to efficiently deal with complex multiparticle activation questions, and to calculate residual doses after operation (e.g. after a accelerator beam irradiation). With its intelligent design, we can trace back activations to specific elements our components, minimising the amount of radioactive waste by intelligent (material) design. These are unique features!
Wanna know more about our software? Don’t hesitate to contact us! We can customise the tool based on your needs or requirements.
We are experts in criticality management, for both reactors and other applications, for both fixed materials as well as liquids. TBE focuses on a criticality safe design of new installations, but also on a meticulous investigation of modifications on existing installations. We perform criticality calculations, and optimize designs on the different factors influencing reactivity: mass, geometry, moderation, reflection, absorption, …
- Belgoprocess – Radiological design of waste storage buildings
- Demcon – Target shielding design of the SMART project
- IBA – Proton target yield calculations
- IRE – Absorbed dose calculations
- ANVS – Criticality training course